Elizabeth Bathory Family Crest

  • This website has never been
    only about a portrait,

  • but also about the
    real history

  • which the portrait's
    subject represents.

  • Very few know
    the real Elizabeth.

  • But many know
    the legend of her
    presented as historical truth.

  • For as much as the
    history you are
    expected to believe,

  • we believe you
    should think for

  • The beginning of any acquaintance,
    after all,

  • is the framing
    of one's ignorance,

  • which is what
    becoming acquainted with
    the real Elizabeth is.

  • Our Purpose

    is to share a virtual view

  • of the
    Elizabeth Bathory

  • to tell the Portrait's
    and Elizabeth's
    real history...

  • ... that of
    your ancestors!
A Little Portrait and ElizabethBathory.Org History By The Portrait Owner